Yesterday I asked in the main site this question:
and was almost immediately flagged as off-topic because of being a "product recommendation" one.
Even in the case that such a question indeed is a "product recommendation question", I think it relates to this answer:
in the sense that my question points specifically to a very unique kind of coffee, one that is produced just in a limited region of the planet, and since its features are very special, I really don't think that a plethora of answers will be received, and is very likely that the one or two that may appear will all point towards the same direction.
Said all this, I expect the opinion of the community, in order to keep the question open or close it right away.
Finally, I made a new question.
Well, I've just rephrased the question with a new one, following @hoc_age recommendations:
What does Kopi Luwak taste like?What does Kopi Luwak taste like?